The Lakeshore Chapter of Trout Unlimited is an all-volunteer organization that was founded in 1983 and serves the cold water fisheries of Kewanee, Calumet, Manitowoc and Sheboygan counties. With 200+ members, the LSTU organization has a rich history and is an active leader in the conservation community creating and caring for multi-use resource areas for future generations.
Lakeshore TU is recognized as one of the top conservation organizations in Wisconsin. We are leaders and doers of habitat restoration on our local trout streams and the public lands that border them. Recognized in February 2024 as the 2023 DNR Adopt-a Wildlife/Fishery Area Group of the Year for our stewardship of the Onion River Public Fishing Area. Lakeshore TU is also actively involved in youth outdoor education partnering with local Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Sheboygan County Conservation Association and Camp Y-Koda to share our love of nature and fishing with the next generation. Finally, our membership enjoys sharing their passion for trout fishing and conservation in monthly get togethers that feature guest speakers, conversation and camaraderie.
Recent Chapter Awards:
Sheboygan County Conservation Association(SCCA) - 2023 Club of the Year
Wisconsin DNR Adopt a Wildlife/Fisheries Area - 2023 Group of the Year
Lake Michigan Stakeholders - 2023 Champions of Conservation
Wisconsin Conservation Congress - 2022 Wisconsin Conservation Organization of the Year
Wisconsin Wildlife Federation - 2022 Wisconsin Land Conservationists of the Year
Sheboygan County Conservation Association (SCCA) - 2022 Water Conservationists of the Year
Wisconsin State TU - 2019 Silver Trout Award
Habitat Improvement and cold water conservation:
LSTU works in constant partnership with the Wisconsin DNR and private land owners to maintain and improve the cold-water habitat of Sheboygan County’s Onion River Fishery Area and Stream bank Protection Area.
LSTU volunteers play a prominent role in habitat improvement and maintenance. We work closely with the fisheries biologist, the forester and other DNR personnel and hold several permits that allow us to work independently on specific improvement projects. In 2024, much of our volunteer work will be directed in two general areas: first, we will repair existing bank covers installed years ago to improve trout habitat and we will reinforce banks that have eroded due to high water events over time. The work will occur upstream of County E. Secondly, we will continue our stewardship of the Onion River Public Fishery through the Adopt program. We will also continue our youth education focus through participation in the Sheboygan Falls Outdoor Activity Day and running a STREAM Camp through Camp Y-Koda.
Youth Education work:
Sheboygan Falls Outdoor Activity day - Organized by the SCCA and Camp Y-Koda, this free fishing event generally sees over 3000 attendees for a day of family outdoor fun and fishing. Lakeshore TU and Aventuron will hosted a booth featuring fly casting demonstrations.
Camp Y-Koda - STREAM Camp. LSTU will co-host a STREAM camp with Camp Y-Koda in early August. This Camp was open to boys and girls and will sell out with fifteen kids attending. The kids will learn about cold water conservation, critters that live in rivers, learn to fly cast and tie a foam beetle that they then will use on a fly rod to catch bluegills in the Camp pond.
Trout in the Classroom (TIC) - LSTU sponsors four local school TIC programs. These programs are located in Random Lake, Plymouth, Sheboygan and Fond du Lac. Science classes raise trout from egg stage to fingerlings then release them into the wild. The program lasts much of the school year. Kids learn many lessons about biology and chemistry as they raise the young trout. LSTU volunteers work closely with the teachers and the DNR to organize, deliver and maintain the equipment. We also participate in the release of the trout fingerlings into the wild.
Looking ahead:
We will continue to be focused on cold water conservation, habitat improvement and youth education in 2024. Our monthly habitat improvement workdays will continue to be the second Saturday of every month.
If you have questions or would like more information please call me, Al Wortz at 920 889 1503 or email me at [email protected]
Upcoming Events:
October Workday - Weather Dependent - Saturday, October 12th 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - Meet at our trailer on south of Plymouth 1/2 mile east of County E on Winooski Rd. by 8:00 am. Please contact Al Wortz @ 920 889 1503 or email at [email protected] if you would like more information.
October Member Gathering - Tuesday October 16th at 7:00 PM - Camp YKoda - W3340 Sunset Rd, Sheboygan Falls, WIscoinsin 53083 - This month our guest speaker wll be Joe Shaffer from Milwaukee River Keeper. He will updat eus on the Cascade dam removal, plans for post removal stream restoration, preliminary results of the Nichols creek study that was conducted this summer and more.
We appreciate all of our sponsors and partners with special recognition to corporate sponsors Kwik Trip, Kohler Company, Northland Plastics, American Excelsior, Merit Financial Advisors and Kohler Co. as well as the Wisconsin DNR, Sheboygan County Conservation Association and Camp Y Koda.
LSTU Officers and Board Members:
Here are the leaders of Lakeshore Trout Unlimited:
President: Al Wortz
Vice President: Miles Thompson
Treasurer: Herb Twiss
Secretary: Laurie Mosher-Paulin
Board Member: Chris Clough
Board Member: Larry Doebert
Board Member: Wendy Lutzke
Past President: Myk Hranicka
If you have any questions or are interested in joining us please contact Al Wortz at 920 889 1503 or email at [email protected].
Recent Chapter Awards:
Sheboygan County Conservation Association(SCCA) - 2023 Club of the Year
Wisconsin DNR Adopt a Wildlife/Fisheries Area - 2023 Group of the Year
Lake Michigan Stakeholders - 2023 Champions of Conservation
Wisconsin Conservation Congress - 2022 Wisconsin Conservation Organization of the Year
Wisconsin Wildlife Federation - 2022 Wisconsin Land Conservationists of the Year
Sheboygan County Conservation Association (SCCA) - 2022 Water Conservationists of the Year
Wisconsin State TU - 2019 Silver Trout Award
Habitat Improvement and cold water conservation:
LSTU works in constant partnership with the Wisconsin DNR and private land owners to maintain and improve the cold-water habitat of Sheboygan County’s Onion River Fishery Area and Stream bank Protection Area.
LSTU volunteers play a prominent role in habitat improvement and maintenance. We work closely with the fisheries biologist, the forester and other DNR personnel and hold several permits that allow us to work independently on specific improvement projects. In 2024, much of our volunteer work will be directed in two general areas: first, we will repair existing bank covers installed years ago to improve trout habitat and we will reinforce banks that have eroded due to high water events over time. The work will occur upstream of County E. Secondly, we will continue our stewardship of the Onion River Public Fishery through the Adopt program. We will also continue our youth education focus through participation in the Sheboygan Falls Outdoor Activity Day and running a STREAM Camp through Camp Y-Koda.
Youth Education work:
Sheboygan Falls Outdoor Activity day - Organized by the SCCA and Camp Y-Koda, this free fishing event generally sees over 3000 attendees for a day of family outdoor fun and fishing. Lakeshore TU and Aventuron will hosted a booth featuring fly casting demonstrations.
Camp Y-Koda - STREAM Camp. LSTU will co-host a STREAM camp with Camp Y-Koda in early August. This Camp was open to boys and girls and will sell out with fifteen kids attending. The kids will learn about cold water conservation, critters that live in rivers, learn to fly cast and tie a foam beetle that they then will use on a fly rod to catch bluegills in the Camp pond.
Trout in the Classroom (TIC) - LSTU sponsors four local school TIC programs. These programs are located in Random Lake, Plymouth, Sheboygan and Fond du Lac. Science classes raise trout from egg stage to fingerlings then release them into the wild. The program lasts much of the school year. Kids learn many lessons about biology and chemistry as they raise the young trout. LSTU volunteers work closely with the teachers and the DNR to organize, deliver and maintain the equipment. We also participate in the release of the trout fingerlings into the wild.
Looking ahead:
We will continue to be focused on cold water conservation, habitat improvement and youth education in 2024. Our monthly habitat improvement workdays will continue to be the second Saturday of every month.
If you have questions or would like more information please call me, Al Wortz at 920 889 1503 or email me at [email protected]
Upcoming Events:
October Workday - Weather Dependent - Saturday, October 12th 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - Meet at our trailer on south of Plymouth 1/2 mile east of County E on Winooski Rd. by 8:00 am. Please contact Al Wortz @ 920 889 1503 or email at [email protected] if you would like more information.
October Member Gathering - Tuesday October 16th at 7:00 PM - Camp YKoda - W3340 Sunset Rd, Sheboygan Falls, WIscoinsin 53083 - This month our guest speaker wll be Joe Shaffer from Milwaukee River Keeper. He will updat eus on the Cascade dam removal, plans for post removal stream restoration, preliminary results of the Nichols creek study that was conducted this summer and more.
We appreciate all of our sponsors and partners with special recognition to corporate sponsors Kwik Trip, Kohler Company, Northland Plastics, American Excelsior, Merit Financial Advisors and Kohler Co. as well as the Wisconsin DNR, Sheboygan County Conservation Association and Camp Y Koda.
LSTU Officers and Board Members:
Here are the leaders of Lakeshore Trout Unlimited:
President: Al Wortz
Vice President: Miles Thompson
Treasurer: Herb Twiss
Secretary: Laurie Mosher-Paulin
Board Member: Chris Clough
Board Member: Larry Doebert
Board Member: Wendy Lutzke
Past President: Myk Hranicka
If you have any questions or are interested in joining us please contact Al Wortz at 920 889 1503 or email at [email protected].
Monthly MeetingsThe chapter meets every third Tuesday of the month, September through May, at Camp YKoda in Sheboygan Falls. We encourage anyone in the area who might have interest in joining to stop by and check us out! |
Work DaysThe chapter meets every second Saturday of the month, weather permitting, for stream brushing, river improvements or any other special projects. |
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